I am back and I am broke!

It’s the beginning of September and I have decided to recharge myself through this blog. When we last met, I was entering a new phase of being a part-time employee and an “even fuller-time” mom. I was both excited and nervous about this new chapter. As I just finished up my first month of our new schedule, I am getting a clear sense of the pros and cons of this situation. First the pros:

  1. I absolutely love having more time for my family. Three days a week, I get to be one of those “cool moms” that picks their kids up when school actually ends. (I am saying the “cool” part with much sarcasm. While I do enjoy it, I totally understand that its not possible for all parents.) 
  2. I am really enjoying a new work atmosphere and learning new skills which proves I was at my old job too long.
  3. I feel less overwhelmed on a day to day basis. Yes, scheduling takes a little more thought, but its nothing like it used to be!

The Cons:

  1. I have suddenly become horrible at finances. I think we have not adjusted our spending to reflect our significant drop income.
  2. My “me time” has evaporated. I am not sure how or why this has happened, but I am finding that I have stopped doing yoga, blogging and doing the things I enjoy.

I have decided to get back to me and start blogging again for personal and financial balance! 

Its good to be back!


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